Intellectual Property

Future-Proof IP Strategies


Emerging Tech: The IP Make or Break Factor


Historically, Offensive and Defensive IP Strategies were all that was needed to maintain competitive advantage. Now, traditional IP strategies grasp for relevance in the high velocity tech world. Any strategy today that does not include a Futures IP Strategy is deficient.

Why Traditional IP Strategies are Lacking:

Traditional IP strategies do well to map the current internal environments of companies for innovation, but they do a very poor job of external integration of ideation.

What are Futures?

Futures are an innovation tool that allow organizations to conduct modeling to determine the most likely futures they will face and to make plans to thrive in such future-state scenarios.

How will a Futures IP Strategy Help my Organization?

Today we are on the cusp of a world where Quantum Computing will be able to break all security encryption measures as if it didn’t exist. Today we already live in a world where AI and automation can reasonably replace 20 to 50% of White Collar jobs. We are on the cusp of a world where Blockchain Horizontal Value Chains will disrupt entire industries without breaking a sweat. None of these disruptive innovations will wait on hierarchy, policy, or legacy to recognize their value; they will prove value on their own terms.

In such an environment, mapping future state realities relevant to your business and positioning your organization in a place of strength is a form of insurance to weather such disruption. Further, it may either allow your organization to license highly relevant IP or to inhibit competition from making progress due to their lack of vision in patenting such IP. Our IP Futures service allows you to see around corners into futures where you hold all the relevant IP before other organizations even recognize that future.