Emerging Tech Forecast

Defining and Forecasting New Technology

Discovery of Emerging Tech: The Ocuit AI System detects new technology anwhere it emerges in the world. The heartbeat of that which is new can be found on this page. Here, we discover and provide a nursery for the technology of tomorrow to experiment, grow, and flourish.


Below is a sampling of the technologies our AI System detected and documented. Our system is constantly scanning the web to find and document new technologies.

Table for Technology Phases used in Tech Listings Below:

  • Conceptual - an idea, but the technology has not been created

  • Nascent - tech has been created, but only in a lab setting

  • Emerging - Market and sales adoption has begun

  • Adopting - A large commercial adoption of the technology has started

AI Technology:

  • BERT Transformer (Emerging) - A Large Language Model (AI), BERT stands for Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers. BERT is based on the Transformer architecture, which is a deep learning model designed to handle sequential data efficiently. Unlike GPT models, which train in one direction, BERT is bidirectional. BERT does well to train quickly on a large corpus of unlabeled data, allowing for incredibly quick scaling of LLM applications. New studies are showing that BERT Models have the potential to replace GPT Models.

  • GEOAI (Adopting) - GeoAI is the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to geospatial data for analysis, decision-making, and spatial insights. It leverages AI algorithms to process and interpret information from sources like satellite imagery and GIS.

  • GPT Detectors (Emerging) - A GPT detector refers to a system or model designed to identify and detect instances of language generated by the GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) model. It aims to distinguish between text generated by GPT and human-authored content. Ongoing efforts are being made to refine and deploy GPT detectors as a tool for content moderation, fact-checking, and ensuring responsible AI usage. 

  • Generative AI (Adopting) - A generative AI engine refers to a system or software that utilizes artificial intelligence algorithms to generate creative and original content, such as images, music, or text. It involves the use of deep learning models and advanced neural networks to simulate human-like creativity and generate new content based on existing data patterns. While there are notable advancements in generative AI, further development and refinement are still underway to improve the quality, control, and ethical considerations of generated content.

Energy Technology:

  • Space-Based Solar Power (Nascent) - The method of capturing solar energy in space using satellites with solar panels and transmitting it to Earth for use as electricity.

  • Fusion Divertor (Nascent): A fusion divertor is a key component in a fusion reactor that is used to remove excess heat and particles generated during the fusion process. It is typically located at the bottom of the reactor vessel and consists of a series of plates or structures that are designed to divert the flow of plasma away from the reactor wall and into a series of specially designed channels.

  • Electric Plane (Emerging) - An electric plane is an aircraft that uses electric propulsion systems, typically powered by batteries, instead of traditional internal combustion engines. It aims to reduce carbon emissions and noise pollution, making air travel more sustainable and environmentally friendly.

  • Fast Charging (Emerging) - Fast charging networks refer to infrastructure and systems that provide high-power charging capabilities for electric vehicles (EVs). These networks allow EVs to recharge their batteries quickly, reducing charging times significantly compared to standard charging stations, and facilitating long-distance travel and wider EV adoption.

  • Proximity Induction (Emerging) - Proximity induction refers to the wireless transfer of power or data between devices in close proximity without the need for physical contact or wired connections. It relies on electromagnetic fields or resonance to induce the transfer of energy or information. Commercial applications are being developed in various fields such as wireless charging, near-field communication (NFC), and contactless data transfer. It offers convenience, efficiency, and a seamless user experience by eliminating the need for cables or direct physical connections between devices.

  • Virtual Protection Relays (Nascent): Virtual protection relays are a type of digital protection system used in electric power systems. They are software-based relays that use digital signal processing and communication technologies to perform protection and control functions, such as fault detection, isolation, and restoration.

  • Artificial Photosynthesis (Nascent): A technology that mimics natural photosynthesis to convert sunlight, water, and CO2 into energy-dense fuels like hydrogen and methane, aimed at sustainable energy.

Medical Technology:

  • Immunometabolic Research (Emerging) - Immunometabolic research investigates the intricate relationship between the immune system and metabolic processes in the body. It explores how metabolic pathways and molecules influence immune cell function and immune responses, as well as how immune activation and inflammation impact metabolic homeostasis. By studying these interactions, immunometabolic research aims to uncover new insights into disease mechanisms, develop targeted therapies, and advance our understanding of the complex interplay between metabolism and immunity. 

  • Magnetogenics (Nascent) - A technique that uses magnetic fields to control cellular activities by activating genetically modified proteins within living cells.

  • Bioelectronic Medicine (Nascent) - A field focused on using devices that interact with the body’s electrical signals to treat diseases, modulate immune responses, and reduce inflammation.

  • Synthetic Biologics (Emerging) - Synthetic biologics are pharmaceutical products or therapeutic agents designed using synthetic biology and genetic engineering techniques. They involve the creation of engineered biological molecules, such as proteins or antibodies, for medical applications and targeted treatments.

  • Microbial Skins (Emerging): Microbial skins are a type of biofilm that consists of a complex community of microorganisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and algae, that grow on surfaces in aquatic or moist environments. They form a thin, slimy layer on the surface that protects them from the environment and allows them to grow and reproduce. They can be used to create thin films or coatings on various surfaces, such as metals, ceramics, and polymers, which can provide enhanced properties, such as improved mechanical strength, corrosion resistance, and antimicrobial activity.

  • Cellular Reprogramming (Nascent) - The process of altering the identity and function of a mature cell to transform it into a different cell type or pluripotent stem cell, often involving changes in gene expression and epigenetic modifications.

High Technology:

  • Brain-Spine Interface (Nascent) - A brain-spine interface refers to a system that establishes a connection between the brain and the spinal cord, allowing for bidirectional communication and control. This interface enables the exchange of neural signals and information between the brain and the spinal cord, facilitating the restoration or enhancement of motor function and sensory feedback.

  • Quantum Cryptocurrency (Conceptual): Quantum cryptocurrency uses quantum mechanics to secure digital money with a secret code that only authorized parties can understand, making it hard to hack or intercept. These differ from quantum resistant cryptocurrencies such as IOTA, QRL and NEP-5 in that Quantum Cryptocurrencies are built using quantum computing instead of technologies that are believed to be quantum resistant.

Green Technology:

  • Next-Gen Substation (Emerging) - A next-gen substation is a modern and technologically advanced electrical substation that incorporates innovative solutions such as digital monitoring, automation, and smart grid integration to optimize power distribution and grid performance. These substations aim to improve efficiency, reliability, and sustainability in electricity management.

  • Plastic Bioremediation (Emerging) – A developing field that involves using bacteria or microbial enzymes to break down plastic pollution by targeting the chemical bonds of plastic polymers, leading to their degradation into smaller, less harmful molecules. It holds promise as a potential solution to address plastic pollution, but further research is needed to optimize the process, scale it up, and ensure its environmental safety and feasibility.

  • Climate Finance (Emerging): financial methodologies and resulting resources that are allocated to address climate change and its impacts, including both mitigation and adaptation measures. It encompasses a wide range of financial instruments, mechanisms, and initiatives that aim to mobilize and direct funds towards climate-related projects and programs.

  • Accumulative Energy Generation (Emerging) – Refers to the process of continuously and incrementally producing and accumulating energy from various sources over time. It involves the utilization of multiple energy generation methods, such as renewable sources, to build up a diverse and sustainable energy portfolio. 

  • Renewable Energy Targets, aka RETs (Adopting) - Renewable energy targets are specific goals set by governments or organizations to increase the proportion of energy generated from renewable sources within a defined timeframe. These targets aim to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly energy production while reducing reliance on fossil fuels and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Space, Aerospace & Defense:

  • Electric Sail (Nascent) - Electric sail, also known as the E-sail, is a propulsion technology that harnesses the solar wind's energy to propel spacecraft. It involves the deployment of a large number of electrically charged tethers or wires, which interact with the charged particles of the solar wind, generating a propulsive force. The electric sail has the potential to provide efficient and continuous propulsion for long-distance space missions, enabling exploration beyond the boundaries of our solar system.

  • Personal Air Vehicle (Nascent) - A personal air vehicle (PAV) is a compact, aircraft-like vehicle designed for individual transportation, typically with vertical takeoff and landing capabilities. PAVs offer the potential for urban air mobility, providing a new mode of transportation to alleviate traffic congestion and enable efficient point-to-point travel. Currently, personal air vehicles are in the conceptual and nascent phase of adoption, with several prototypes and proof-of-concept models being developed by companies and research institutions. However, widespread commercial deployment and integration into existing transportation systems are still in the early stages.

Advanced Computing Technology:

  • Hyperdimensional Computing (Nascent): Hyperdimensional computing is a computing paradigm that draws inspiration from the structure and dynamics of the brain. It involves using high-dimensional mathematical spaces to represent and process information, rather than traditional binary or digital computing methods.

  • Racetrack Computing (Nascent): Racetrack-type in-memory logic computing is a type of computing technology that uses magnetic domain walls to store and manipulate data. It involves using magnetic nanowires or tracks to store data in the form of magnetic domain walls that can be moved along the track using a magnetic field. Racetrack-type in-memory logic computing is still in the experimental phase of development, and research is ongoing to improve its performance and explore its potential applications in various fields, such as data storage, information processing, and artificial intelligence.

Materials & Infrastructure Technology:

  • Advanced Manufacturing (Emerging) - Advanced manufacturing is the utilization of advanced technologies and innovative practices in the manufacturing industry to improve productivity, efficiency, and product quality. It involves incorporating automation, robotics, AI, 3D printing, and data analytics to optimize production processes.

  • Aerogel Tissue Engineering (Nascent) - Aerogel tissue engineering refers to the use of aerogel materials in the field of regenerative medicine to create scaffolds or matrices for tissue regeneration. Aerogels are highly porous and lightweight materials with unique properties that make them suitable for promoting cell growth, differentiation, and tissue integration for applications such as bone, cartilage, and vascular tissue regeneration.

  • Dual Network Hydrogels (Emerging): Dual Network (DN) Hydrogels are a type of hydrogel material that combines two different types of polymer networks to create a unique set of mechanical and physical properties. The two networks are typically composed of a stiff, load-bearing network and a soft, energy-dissipating network.

  • Intelligent Rail System Whistle (Nascent): When railcars roll through cities and blow their horns at crossings, it is loud and often very disturbing to neighborhoods. In many cases, there is no reason to blow the horn as their are rail crossing bars. Intelligent Sensing systems remove the need to blow the horn unless there are obstructions on the railroad; in such cases the system will automatically whistle.

  • Soft Morphing Actuators (Emerging): Soft morphing actuators are a type of soft robotics technology that uses flexible materials to create devices that can change their shape or configuration in response to external stimuli. They are important for the next phase of robotics and have many potential applications in various fields, such as biomedical engineering and soft robotics.

  • Self-Healing Materials (Nascent): Materials designed to repair themselves automatically after damage, using embedded repair agents or molecular reconfiguration.