
Exploratory Innovation and R&D can be Expensive; our Consortiums Unlock Innovation through Collaboration

Ocuit Sponsored & Hosted Consortia for Emerging Tech

The Ocuit Consortiums are putting in the work to solve big global challenges. Collaborate on important challenges to contribute to creating a prosperous future for all. An Ocuit Innovation Platform ecosystem is provided as a cornerstone contribution to each consortia and provides cutting edge insights to solve the large opportunities.

Review the consortiums below and if any opportunities interest you, complete an application below for consideration to join a consortium.


digital identity

Digital Identity (DI) is the cornerstone of future digital interactions, representing individuals, organizations, applications, or devices within computer systems. However, existing digital identities are often disjointed, uncoordinated, and poorly understood. With the advent of AI and Blockchain, the future of Digital Identity is both uncertain and potentially daunting.

To address these challenges, the Digital Identity Consortium aims to identify and overcome barriers to DI utility. By collaborating with key organizations, the consortium strives to create a safer and more effective digital environment for all agents, including people, organizations, applications, and devices.

Join us in shaping the future of Digital Identity. Click here to learn more and collaborate with the Digital Identity Consortium, as we work towards a more cohesive and secure digital identity ecosystem.

emerging energy Consortium

The energy landscape is undergoing a rapid transformation with the emergence of renewable energy, advancements in storage technologies, and the need to combat climate change. To navigate this dynamic environment and accelerate the transition to a sustainable energy future, the Emerging Energy Consortium brings together industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers.

The consortium aims to foster collaboration and innovation by uniting diverse stakeholders from the energy sector. By leveraging collective expertise and resources, we address key challenges and seize opportunities in renewable energy generation, energy storage, grid integration, and energy efficiency.

Through research, pilot projects, and policy advocacy, the consortium strives to shape the future of energy. We focus on unlocking the potential of emerging technologies, promoting sustainable practices, and developing resilient energy systems.

Join us in driving the energy transition. Developers, investors, technology providers, researchers, and policymakers are invited to collaborate with us. Together, we can create a cleaner and more sustainable energy landscape.

Consortium for Innovation in Commercial Real Estate

Commercial real estate is on the verge of transformative change, driven by emerging technologies, evolving market dynamics, and shifting tenant expectations. The Future of Commercial Real Estate Consortium brings together industry leaders, organizations, and experts to shape this future. We understand that innovation and integrated solutions are vital beyond traditional boundaries.

With AI, IoT, and data analytics, commercial real estate is poised for significant disruption. From smart buildings to flexible workspaces, the possibilities are vast. But we must overcome barriers and accelerate transformative practices.

By leveraging collective expertise, we tackle key issues such as sustainability, urbanization, tenant experience, and digitalization. Through research, knowledge sharing, and pilot projects, we strive for innovation, sustainability, and inclusivity.

Join us—developers, investors, technology providers, architects, planners, and policymakers—in creating a vibrant and resilient commercial real estate ecosystem. Together, we drive change, unlock opportunities, and shape the future.

Visit our website or contact us to learn more and collaborate. Let's shape commercial real estate's future together.

The Consortium for Innovation in Higher Education

The Consortium for Innovation in Higher Education is a collaborative network dedicated to driving transformative change and promoting innovation in the realm of higher education. This consortium brings together academic institutions, educators, researchers, and industry leaders to address the evolving challenges and opportunities faced by universities and colleges.

In today's rapidly changing world, higher education institutions must adapt and innovate to meet the needs of students and society. The consortium serves as a platform for sharing best practices, research findings, and creative solutions in areas such as online learning, student engagement, curriculum design, and emerging pedagogies. By fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange, the consortium empowers institutions to embrace innovative strategies and technologies that enhance teaching, learning, and student outcomes.

Join the Consortium for Innovation in Higher Education to be part of a vibrant community of innovators shaping the future of higher education. Together, we can create transformative educational experiences, foster creativity and critical thinking, and equip students with the skills they need to succeed in an ever-changing world.

To learn more and participate in our collaborative initiatives, visit our website or contact us directly. Let's revolutionize higher education and build a brighter future for students and institutions alike.

ESG Consortium for Enterprise:

ESG, short for Environmental, Social, and Governance, has emerged as a critical framework for evaluating the sustainability and societal impact of businesses. It encompasses a range of factors, including a company's environmental practices, social responsibility, and corporate governance standards.

In an era marked by increasing awareness of climate change, social inequality, and ethical business practices, the importance of ESG cannot be overstated. Companies that prioritize ESG principles not only contribute to a more sustainable future but also tend to outperform their peers in terms of long-term value creation and risk management.

The ESG Consortium brings together industry leaders, experts, and stakeholders committed to advancing ESG practices. By fostering collaboration, sharing knowledge, and developing frameworks and guidelines, the consortium aims to accelerate the integration of ESG into business strategies, investment decisions, and regulatory frameworks.

Join the ESG Consortium in shaping a more sustainable and responsible future. Click here to learn more about our initiatives and collaborate with us to drive positive change through ESG principles and practices.