Executive Briefings

Right Data, Right Time


Executives as the Central Network Node:

Executives in organizations are much like the central node in a network; everyone is connected to a senior executive and everyone looks to act based on key information flowing from that executive. The great thing about such as a central node is that information flows both ways and an executive could potentially have unlimited data inflows. Since we don’t have unlimited time, our algorithms track the relevance of technology information by business speciality and ensure you have nothing more than the information you need.

Essential Knowledge through a Mountain of Research:

When it comes to Emerging Tech, knowing about and tracking all relevant tech news is an impossible task, even for a team the size of a large army. Fortunately our AI performs the work of an equivalent large army with unmatched speed and relentless curiosity. The output of the AI system is organized by our team of experts to ensure the information you receive is highly relevant, keeping you ahead of the game on all fronts.

Leadership Dashboard:

As an executive leader, you are used to absorbing unimaginable amounts of content in quick dashes; apart from BAU (business as usual) reports from your team, each set of content is new and requires that you first navigate the key to understand each new data set. Even though you may be used to consuming data on a trusted website, it still changes far too frequently and the information flow is too chaotic to be dependable.

We understand this challenge of parsing data and have created standardized dashboard views based on your role type and industry, eliminating the need to reorient each time you engage with us. Each data set we create is catered specifically to provide the detail you need in as short a timeframe as possible. Such a tech view enables you to be on top of the pulse of the most relevant tech news at any given time.

Assign with a Click:

The difference between competitive advantage and an idea is the follow through to execute. Our platform wastes no time in moving your team to next steps, taking your team one step closer to execution. Each executive dashboard has the ability to highlight content they need more information on, automatically connecting to your delegate in order to quickly assemble the information you need to take action.

Dashboard Demo:

To determine if such a view for emerging tech information is right for you, click the red demo button below to set a time to view our dashboard.